Sergey Sargsyan

Hello, My name is Sergey Sargsyan. I am a Martech developer. I hold a Master's degree in computer science from AUA university.

I started my career as a software engineer.

During my career, I have created many websites in different niches.

I found out that web agencies don't care a lot about the website's long-term success when they just deliver a website with widely available templates on the internet without any groundwork for the website's future success.

Moreover, they may use some website builders that are slow or they aren't easily customizable. This will set limits for SEO optimization.

On the other hand, many business owners think that if they have a website, it will just work for them.

When website owners order a website from web agencies, marketing may be overlooked.

Technical and marketing groundwork needs to be done right for your website.

That is why I started this blog, where I write about the marketing and technical topics that can help grow websites.

Concurrently, I provide modern web development and marketing tools that you can use to bring your online presence to the next level and, at the same time, save loads of money. For example, you can create a blog with this modern blogging platform and be ahead of the majority of your competition.

Sergey Sargsyan in AUA

Sergey Sargsyan as AUA AlumniSergey Sargsyan as AUA Alumni

Sergey Sargsyan is Alumni of AUA University's BA English and Communications department. His master thesis is SEO writing as a communication means. No, this is a joke. Sergey Sargsyan holds a master's degree in Computer Science. That's why he's more of a technical SEO rather than an SEO writer.

While in AUA, Sergey Sargsyan worked as a research assistant in lecturer and Dr. Khachaturyan's research team.

Sergey Sargsyan as a Writer

I always have been a writer from the first day of my career. However, I wasn't the writer one might imagine - a writer of satire, poems, books, or a screenwriter for TV shows.

Nevertheless, my writings were in the hands of many people. I hope that they liked it. Ok, It is time to tell it. I was writing for computers, and people were using the programs my colleagues and I were composing.

Now, I am writing for this blog, many other industry-specific blogs, on social media, and in many other places on the internet.

But that's not all. I am an author of an upcoming book. If you follow this blog, you will learn about the book when it will be released.

Sergey Sargsyan is writing while getting energy and inspiration from the sunSergey Sargsyan is writing while getting energy and inspiration from the sun
Sergey Sargsyan is writing while getting energy and inspiration from the sun

Seeking Knowledge

Sergey Sargsyan in Downing College of Cambridge - Quaerere VerumSergey Sargsyan in Downing College of Cambridge - Quaerere Verum

Quaerere Verum - Seek the Truth.

On the way to seeking the truth and the knowledge. Roads to knowledge and to truth are long and with many crossroads.

Knowledge is power - Wrong!

Knowledge is power when implemented - Right!

SEO is a powerful tool for making knowledge available to knowledge seekers. We go to search engines for getting answers to our questions.

SEO professionals' task is to make great content available to searchers.

With Hollywood Actors

Mickey Mouse - the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame - and I were in Madrid and we accidentally met there.

Mickey was visiting Sunny Madrid from Sunny Los Angeles, California.

Mickey Mouse was co-created in 1928 by Walt Disney. We can learn a lot about business and marketing from Walt Disney. However, Mickey helped Walt Disney a lot. Mr. Walt said "I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse."

Walt Disney, the iconic founder of Walt Disney, was ahead of his time in business. Walt Disney company follows the footsteps of its founder and now, in the information era, we can call Disney a content company.

If you want to have your content space (your website) during the content era, oh sorry, information era, you can follow this step by step guide on setting up a free premium blog.

Sergey Sargsyan with Mickey Mouse n MadridSergey Sargsyan with Mickey Mouse n Madrid

At The Top

Sergey Sargsyan At The Top of Burj Khalifa in DubaiSergey Sargsyan At The Top of Burj Khalifa in Dubai
At The Top of the World's Tallest Building

Being at the top of the world's tallest building is something that many people would like to experience. The top places are where many of us want to be there. And I am not talking about top destinations. Generally, the top is what attracts us.

The situation is not much different with websites. We want to rank our web pages on the top of the search engine result pages. Top positions for desired keywords would give us the much-desired traffic and conversions.

It will help to know how Google search and indexing work to be on the top of the Google search result pages.

The topic of top websites would be incomplete if we would not check the list of the top 10 websites in the world in 2022. So, ladies and gentlemen, These are the winners of a medium where we visit almost every day!

Sergey Sargsyan Showman

As a hobby, I am planning to do comedy shows. The genre plan to perform might interest you because it is unique. It's a mix between monologue and dialogue. How? Well, I talk with a puppet attached to my hand. That's why I call the genre Arm Comedy.

OK, enough about my hobbies, let us talk about your hobbies. We will now do an experiment. We will try to find your favorite hobby. Are you ready? Warning! It might not be on the list of your current hobbies. Let's get started.

Sergey Sargsyan during a show in a barSergey Sargsyan during a show in a bar

Sergey Sargsyan on a red carpetSergey Sargsyan on a red carpet
  1. What would be the one topic that would you blog about?
    OK, If you have chosen more topics please answer the next question.
  2. Would you write about the topic once a week for a year?
    If you answered yes, then it's time for the next question.
  3. Could you write down the headings of the articles?
    There are 52 weeks in a year so there would be 52 titles.

If you answered yes to all questions then you proved your love of your hobby/hobbies.

If it turned out that you are not as passionate about any of your hobbies as much as the test required, try to think about a topic that you would blog about once a week for a year or more. Perhaps you would find a new hobby or a passion as a result?

if you imagined writing about your hobby and you believe you can make money while selling goods and services related to your hobby through your blog you can book a free consultation call with me where I'll help you set up a blog for you.

All blogging platforms come with monthly fees. People pay 30$+/month for premium hosting to hinder their chances of getting decent organic (non-paid) traffic. This is not the case with the premium blogging platform that I would help you set up it costs you 0$/month.

All you need to bring is dedication and passion.

City of Freedom

Have you been to Lisbon? Sunny Lisbon is a temporary home for many freelancers and solopreneurs. You know what I am talking about if you have been there.

Whether you are employed, self-employed, or employed, it would not hurt you at all to have a personal website. If you start to pay attention, you will see that most people who have big audiences have personal websites.

Having just any website would not help. The personal website needs to be planned according to your needs. I would divide it into two categories:

  1. Simple landing page - If you regularly post on social media, you will have decent traffic to your website.
  2. Personal Blog - This is the best option. You'll receive traffic from search engines. You don't need to be active on social media to have consistent traffic.

Not sure if the personal blog would work better than a simple portfolio landing page? Check this guide on why SEO is important for websites. One of the most important pillars of SEO is content. Blogs are also called content websites. The more high-quality content pages you would have on your personal blog, the bigger would be the free traffic you would be getting.

I post a lot about SEO on Twitter. Follow my marktecher account to learn more.

Sergey Sargsyan in Portugal during a trip to Atlantic Ocean from LisbonSergey Sargsyan in Portugal during a trip to Atlantic Ocean from Lisbon
Visiting Atlantic Ocean from Lisbon


Sergey Sargsyan in AmsterdamSergey Sargsyan in Amsterdam

What a great place to be! However, one important item is missing in the photo. Can you guess what? Coffee!

Yeah, coffee is one of my beloved drinks. Why? Because it increases my energy levels, helps me to start the day, and keeps me concentrated.

Coffee is not the only productivity booster for me. EDM music is one of many boosters that I use when working.

By the way, if one of my articles has helped you, you can buy me a coffee ;)

Where to Find Me?

My Carrd



StackExchange Webmasters profile







Consulting and social media links:

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